Saaho Review with explanation (Spoiler Alert)

.Okay this post is for all those people who have come out of theatre and have posted / are posting / intend to post a bad review for the movie saaho. Its your right and we have no problem with you voicing your opinion. Frankly, the movie was not made for everybody. The only mistake that Saaho's makers did is that they actually thought that all kinds of movie goers of India are mature and will like complex stories. So a few things to put into perspective. Saaho is an action based thriller flick, so many people thought they could leave their brains at home for this one, like you would do for Hobbs and Shaw (i forgot to leave my brain at home for Hobbs and Shaw, I will not forget the horror of trying to make sense of it till my dying day). Anyways if you believe that, the movie is not for you. People have said only action is good in Saaho. I disagree, the strongest point of the movie is the story. The story is not chronologically arranged. Because its not a documentary. You have to arrange the pieces like a jig saw puzzle. If you are a couple who intends to sit and flirt while Saaho is playing, you won't understand it, if you are a family man taking care of your 2 year old and the many paranoia of your wife, the movie is definitely not for you. You might just end up being a nuisance for the guy sitting next to you who is perfectly enjoying and understanding the plot. The plot is specifically very convoluted in the first half.

Spoiler alert, if you have not seen the movie, please don't proceed further.

Okay, you have seen the movie and wish to proceed? Lets get some things out of the way, the villian is going to win. This is not your everyday, morally, ethically, legally correct flick. Second, there is no 2 lakh crore anywhere. The black box, on which the whole premise is worthless. If I have to arrange the movie chronologically, I would start with the fact that, Saaho is aided and abetted by Vishwank (proxy kid of Roy), that old white beard dude who claimed to have hidden the black box in Mumbai and 2-3 more people in the inner circle. Kalki (Mandira) is not in the inner circle. If I have to guess, I would say, Vishwank and Saaho suspected her of being a mole, and to confirm and use this fact, they created a fake narrative.
To begin now, Roy died. and the money on the ship got robbed by Devraj. Devraj wanted to discredit dead Roy and Vishwank. But Vishwank and Saaho, concocted a story of a fake locker, containing 2 lakh crore which would compensate the money lost on the ship. Then Saaho who was in Mumbai, got his hacker friend David to help him. David hacked the police database and got out details of a far away police hacker, he could impersonate. Maybe Saaho got the real guy killed or he was just sent to vacation is anybody's guess. David then reported to Shinde with a fake transfer order. In 2 or 3 or 6 months (take your pick), David got privy with the likes of Goswami who had connect with higher ups of Mumbai police. Meanwhile Saaho himself began robbing Roy's corporation's money (All those robberies, they were Roy's property). This got Mumbai police into action. It is then that the plan was put to work. The fake story of locker, 2 lakh crore and black box was given to Vishwank's inner circle and Kalki. Vishwank himself gave it. Kalki heard it from Vishwank and told Devraj. Devraj then thought of getting this money on his side. because the world works on money, he was hoping to get the board on his side with this money and become the leader of Roy industries. Therefore Devraj got his deep asset in Mumbai, Shinde activated. Shinde got a famous undercover cop, whom he had neither met nor worked with, Ashok Chakravarthy on the case. This is where David steps in. He hacked the database again, and replaced Ashok's face with Saaho's face. That's how he got Saaho in as the team leader. This was easy and now the tricky part. David had to additionally manage the real Ashok. I am guessing he gave fake identities to other people (the ones who stood around them in their own control room while planning the bank heist). He faked Shinde, Goswami and created a whole control room for the real Ashok. He was relaying info between both control rooms. So we have 2 control rooms, the real control room with real shinde and Goswamy and fake Ashok (Saaho) and the fake control room with fake Shinde and Goswamy and real Ashok. To be honest, real Ashok is a chump to have gotten fooled by David. But he did. It was David who identified our real cop as the robber. Amrita said that this robber likes coffee from only one place (seen in cctv) and he will come there again, then David messaged the real cop to come to coffee shop. Later when Saaho and Ashok actually met, Saaho actually gave the details of black box to Ashok in that bar. Ashok understood the case from Saaho himself. Saaho wanted Shinde also to know that the robber (real cop Ashok) is looking for the black box. Shinde alerted Devraj who sent a team to secure the black box from Kalki. Devraj's team failed and Kalki deposited the box in bank (Kalki couldn't run away with the box there, because that would amount to betrayal to Vishwank and would result in her death). So Devraj's backup plan was activated. To get Ashok (alleged robber, real cop (unaware of shinde's allegiances)) to steal the black box for Shinde and deliver to Devraj. But thanks to David and then Saaho, this plan got foiled too and Saaho escaped with David to Africa.


Take a breath have some tea. Ready for the second half? Now second half although straight forward and explained in the movie, needs some help from us. So first thing. How does Devraj come to know that black box was in Africa? Kalki told him. Who told Kalki? Vishwank. That gun pointing scene? Devraj was being fed a cock and bull story about the oh so important locker and black box and its location was also fed to Devraj by Vishwank. Why? because Saaho and Vishwank (inner circle) wanted to strip Devraj of his own money, Devraj had added that money stolen from the ship to his own reserves. And Saaho and Vishwank wanted to rob Devraj. So his involvement in black box fake story and then subsequently Devraj employing Saaho to rig the bank, were all scripted. Saaho and therefore David got access to Devraj's building in this way (logistics). And instead of the bank, they rigged Devraj's personal money. David was already secure, he was given a fake family. No. The cop identity wasn't given a family, David's own identity was given a fake family. Precisely to double throw off the police. And Devraj too if he attempted the family blackmail on David. Anyhow. Vishwank tells Devraj that Saaho had double crossed him. In reality, of course Vishwank knew of the whole plan and therefore after getting to know that Amrita was being taken somewhere he might have gotten them tailed and rescued Amrita. Poor Kalki got thoroughly betrayed by the plan and blew her own cover too. Shame. Its really her fault she believed the black box story. No one took more risk for the black box than Kalki. The shock that poor soul receives in the locker is outstanding. She dies there. Saaho distracts the police and Devraj's personal goons behind himself so that money is taken later to safety (but that must have been obvious even to the non attentive folks).

All in all, the story was the cherry on top for this movie. If you didn't like the movie, it means that you were mentally involved somewhere else, kid, wife, partner or even friends. This movie is not something to be understood in one go. The maker's should not have released such an evolved thriller concept to an audience like India. We love melodramas like DDLJ, KKHH, K3G and in later times, Aashiqui 2 (OMG!) and Kabir Singh (my personal favorite). This movie was not meant for an audience like us.

Action is 10*
Story is 12* (out of 10) I know this is over the top, but intelligent movies like these deserve encouragement.
Music is 5* I was surfing my phone while songs were playing. Bad boy song was best out of the lot.
Acting is 9*
Tech used (cgi/vfx whatever) is 9*
Overall that adds up to 45/50
So overall rating is 9/10

Must watch with open and free mind

I will watch this movie again, only to see more details that I missed.
Till then, take care folks. In the words of the great Truman Burbank: In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. Stay tuned for more reviews of worthy movies. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you. Stay tuned for more reviews of worthy movies. :)

  3. Excellent analysis and writing. Loved the film and loved this write-up. Thank you!

    A few choice quotes from our "critics":

    Rajeev Masand:

    > Logic be damned!
    > Saaho is the sort of film that pretends to be smarter than it actually is.
    > Any expectation of logic and any semblance of reality quickly goes out of the window
    > Now I don’t want to be the party pooper who’s looking for logic in a dumb action tentpole. To be fair we don’t ask these questions of a Fast and Furious film or a Mission Impossible movie, or even from the Race franchise in Bollywood. But the truth is that Saaho isn’t content with being a dumb action tentpole with slick set pieces – it insists on sweeping you into its plot, which is more than you can offer given how singularly harebrained it is.

    Anupama Chopra:
    > But the plot is both bizarrely complicated and incredibly silly. At least twice in the film, characters ask – what’s going on? Honestly, I couldn’t tell you.
    > I know that a popcorn entertainer like Saaho isn’t driven by logic or coherence. And I would have made my peace with it if the film delivered a good time. My biggest complaint is that it’s a crashing bore.

    > Saaho treads a fine line between being an action drama and a superhero film.
    > film that is haphazard and devoid of a context or emotional subtext
    > For instance, take that scene in the second half where Prabhas flies over Waaji with a jetpack on his back to rescue Shraddha from falling down. The entire staging is straight out of The Matrix series where Neo saves Trinity.

    No one seems to "get" and see the movie for what it truly is. It's a racy, stylish heist film. Assured writing and direction from Sujeeth. He worked hard and sweat the details. He deserves praise, not brickbats. Critics are blindly judging it with their own worn out barometers.

    1. Sir, for professional reasons, we dont indulge in naming and shaming other reviewers here. Thank you for your kind words, you could be of help to us by sharing our content and twitter handle (given on "about me") section to increase our outreach and connect with more evolved souls like yourself out there. Share at will on your facebook twitter, with due credits, we shall be grateful :)

    2. Yep. Not indulging in ad hominem attacks. Just reviewing the reviews :) I'll share it on Twitter. I hope Sujeeth sees your post.

    3. Sir, just as we don't judge other reviewers, similarly we don't judge our readers like yourself. You are completely free to give out your opinions as you see fit, we are barred from doing the same. Thank you for the share :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you sir, we are new, and wish to expand our reach, you can help us by following our handle given on "about me" page and mentioning the same while sharing this on your facebook friends and relatives :)

  5. great man whats your rating for the movie if you dont mind and also other movies you can recomment

    1. Rating added. And I have added another review, you can check on homepage. I shall be adding more movies down the line. Few movies I will review for sure are coherence, predestination, mr. nobody, andhadhun, stree, kahani, no smoking, gangs of wasseypur. I can remember only these for now, But there are many more which deserve to be here. Like fight club (1999) another gem. Please check back on this site every week for new reviews of all time great movies. If I watch a bad movie, I will review it in 3-4 lines only. They can waste my time, not my web space.

  6. Introducing Neil by flipping the screen
    Before Neil entering the bank prabhas flipping the hourglass
    Neil flips a coin and says it's gone and later finds in arun's pocket - explaining robbery scene with just a coin

    Bhagavadgita sloka sthithapragynasya... written behind that antique box and arun revealing the character of prabhas by repeating the sloka

    Sujeeth's depth of each and every scene delivered . He left us clues with the objects but we failed to notice.
    A masterpiece saaho hatsoff to sujeeth's outstanding writing and screenplay.


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